Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Collateral 02 - The Pre-Game Meet

Collateral is a production of the Accidental Survivors. You can hear more episodes of the Accidental Suvivors at Libsyn.

All music provided by Mindscape Music.

Collateral 02 - The Pre-Game Meet

Thanks to kroh and dej48 for listening and commenting.

Look for us and other great podcasts on Warpig Radio. Thanks to Ed from Atomic Array and Dan from Fear the Boot for their efforts.

My campaign journal up on Sword's Edge Publishing with the article on The Meet.

Adventures of the Ottawa Warband an actual play podcast for my Vikings True20 campaign.

If you want to contact us, you can email us at accidental@swordsedgepublishing.ca

If you're signed up on Facebook you can join the Accidental Survivors Podcast group and leave comments for us there.

You can hop on over to our message forums at www.accidentalsurvivors.com.

You can find Fraser on Twitter.

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